Mobile job boards

Provide the job search experience your candidates are looking for and revolutionize the way your agency fills jobs with mobile job boards

mobile job boards
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Increase your inbound job applications
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Combine inbound with outreach for maximum efficiency
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Effortlessly turn your ATS into a mobile job board
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Get real-time response and feedback from candidates

Provide candidates with a personalized job feed

Provide your candidates with a mobile job board that will produce a steady stream of applications with no work necessary from your team.

Our algorithmic job matching prioritizes the jobs that best fit a candidate’s profile and surfaces those opportunities in the palm of their hand.

personalized mobile job feed
personalized mobile job feed

Provide candidates with a personalized job feed

Provide your candidates with a mobile job board that will produce a steady stream of applications with no work necessary from your team.

Our algorithmic job matching prioritizes the jobs that best fit a candidate’s profile and surfaces those opportunities in the palm of their hand.

worker invite feature

Combine self-serve applications with targeted invites

Found the perfect candidate to fill a role? You can invite them to a job in as little as three clicks. 

Our advanced filtering system makes it easy to invite the perfect candidates, and agencies who combine our algorithmic job matching with targeted invites have been able to save their recruiters hours each day.

Effortlessly turn your ATS jobs into mobile job boards

Automatically pull jobs from your ATS to Activate’s self-serve mobile job board. Your candidates will be able to view all relevant opportunities and filter by the ones that best fit their skills and preference.

All this with no double entry of information required.

Bullhorn Activate mobile job board
Bullhorn Activate mobile job board

Effortlessly turn your ATS jobs into a mobile job board

Automatically pull jobs from your ATS to Activate’s self-serve mobile job board. Your candidates will be able to view all relevant opportunities and filter by the ones that best fit their skills and preference.

All this with no double entry of information required.

candidate notifications

Focus your efforts on the warmest candidates

All information reaches your team in real-time. If a candidate updates their profile, applies to a job, or provides information about why a job was not a fit using our “not interested” feedback, your team will know right away.

You’ll instantly know when your candidates are looking for jobs, where they are interested in applying, and when they have a new skill or certification to consider.

More than just a mobile job board

Our mobile job boards are part of a staffing platform suite that creates a seamless candidate journey from sourcing through redeployment.


Our app onboarding gets candidates up and active in minutes with the information they need to get to work


Streamline your scheduling and connect it directly to your worker’s mobile experience

Client Portal

Enable your clients to create their own shifts, and select and track their own clinicians.


Increase engagement and decrease response times by combining direct chat, email and SMS 


Let clinicians track time from the palm of their hand with powerful geo-fenced time tracking options

Pay & Bill

Integrate with our pay and bill partners to create a true end to end candidate experience

ActivateStaff mobile staffing platform case study for allied healthcare
How a Bullhorn customer increased revenue by 30% just 8 weeks after launching their ActivateStaff mobile app

Learn how CoreMedical Group combined self-serve mobile job boards with job invites to speed up placements and increase revenue.

Want to learn more about mobile job boards?

We’d love to show you how our clients combine mobile job boards and targeted invites to achieve the best results

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