Best Practices for Cleaning Data Before a Tech Rollout

Nothing makes dirty data more apparent (and painful) than the introduction of a new piece of technology. It will quickly show you exactly where the holes are and how your data practices could improve for your system of record. If you are introducing a new piece of technology meant to integrate with your system of […]

Harnessing Your Database to Find Candidates

Harness your database to find candidates featured image

There’s a lot happening in the staffing industry. Numerous articles about the difficulties agencies face with the current candidate shortage flood our inboxes daily. Responses to social media polls show that recruiters are experiencing a higher volume of ghosting and more pushback from talent (for more tips, check out these 5 ways to deal with […]

10 KPIs That Temporary Staffing Agencies Should Be Leveraging

kpis for staffing agencies

Businesses are constantly looking for new and more accurate ways to measure performance and accountability with their staffing agency partners. This is often done using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Not only do KPIs help businesses manage contingency labour costs and evaluate efficiencies, they can also help staffing agencies. It’s essential for an agency to not […]

Five Ways to Deal with Candidate Ghosting

Five ways to deal with candidate ghosting

In any staffing agency, some candidate ghosting is expected. You’ve probably already tried re-affirming assignments with clients, imposing 24-hour cancellation fees, or strict discipline policies only to see the same high cancellation amounts and no-shows. We’re here to tell you that while these are methods for controlling candidate ghosting, these are not the only solutions […]

5 Lessons from High-Growth Staffing Agencies

Growth graph by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

The staffing industry is a heavily saturated and deeply competitive field. Even more so since COVID. SIA estimates that there were 3,000 healthcare agencies in the United States before the pandemic. Now there are closer to 4,000. This competition has been fueling rapid change, and it can be hard to stay on top of all […]